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About Me

My name is Moa Bergström, a 30-year-old from Gothenburg with a creative spirit and a deep passion for history. I enjoy exploring various forms of expression through drawing and sewing. In my free time, I also love playing video games, listening to audiobooks, treasure hunting in second-hand shops, and spending time with my dog.


I am currently studying to become a Technical Artist at Yrgo. My background, however, is in Cultural Heritage Studies and Digital Humanities. While studying Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg, I had the opportunity to experiment with various digital tools and programs with the purpose to make cultural heritage more accessible and tell historical stories in innovative and interactive ways. I loved the combination of probelm-solving and creativity and inspired me to pursue further studies and become a Technical Artist.



Technical skills

Unreal engine, Unity, Blender, Adobe Photoshop

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